We'll list a few local events here that we recommend to our club members. These are usually fun, local shoots that members have previously competed at.
We'll post information on local shoots on our Facebook group.
Below are the upcoming competitions taking place across the East Midlands. This information is taken from the East Midlands Archery Website - please go to the EMAS website for more details and entry forms.
We have traditionally held two competitions each year, the Bingham Spring Western & Agincourt Volley and the Open Western.
We are hoping to restart our outdoor competitions in 2025.
In recognition for all the hard work, blood, sweat and tears that Jim Johnson has put in since the club was formed in 1982, we commissioned a new trophy bearing Jim's name.
The trophy is awarded at the Spring Open Western, held each April, to the winner of The Agincourt Volley.
In the Volley, all archers shooting are called to the line by the field captain, given an order of Nock - where all archers nock their arrow, Draw - everyone draws together, Release - all archers release their arrows simultaneously.
This is repeated twice more in rapid succession to complete a three arrow volley and the archer whose arrow is closest to the gold wins the trophy. Only those shooting longbow or barebow take part in the Agincourt Volley.
The trophy was hand made and donated by Maurice Clarke of MGC Designs.